Is Krav a good self defense art?

I really need to do some Self Defense martial art type thing. What is best. I need to know how to take knifes and guns away - Protect myself. And i also need to know how to fight someone if they try and attack me


  • most of the people on here never took krav maga

    first off anyone that has been in a situation with a knife will tell you most of those techniques in krav maga will only get you severally injured or killed

    and as for a gun it takes them a split second to pull that trigger.

    there are reasons why you dont read or hear on the news that people take guns and knifes away from there attackers.

    if they are mugging you just hand them you wallet it is never worth your life.

    if there intent is to kill you with a gun they are not going to be with in range of you to grab it. they will be 10 feet away.

    if they are going to kill you with a knife they are not going to just come at you once they will be slashing and stabbing at you repeatedly.

    defense against weapons is not something you can learn overnight and by no means think it is easy, anyone that tells you they can guarantee you a technique against a knife is going to work is full of s***.

    i can guarantee you have a good chance of getting cut up. regardless of how good you are.

    about krav maga

  • Krav Maga "Contact Combat" is all about self defense. In Krav Maga and Combat SAMBO weapons training (gun, knife, bat) are started from the beginning.

    Krav Maga is a great way to learn essential self defense, be fluent in battle situations and is awesome for physical conditioning. As a former Krav Maga instructor and currently a Combat SAMBO instructor I guess I prefer Eastern European based arts, as they are practical and reflect the philosophy of "Survival", nothing else. Krav Maga started in Bratislava, CZ during WWI, and was later brought to the IDF.

    Combat SAMBO, an offshoot of Judo and several other sources was based on Russian experience with being attacked by everybody, so the Russians had much experience with other martial arts.

    Krav Maga started in Eastern Europe with Imi Lichtenfield and later was refined with Moni Aizik who introduced more grappling and disarming techniques. The CKM group, headed ny Moni Aizik is actually the better of the two Krav Maga bodies in the US. Moni has been on the show "Perfect Weapon" a few times. This man has walked the walk many times.

    The LA based group, far more common is based on an LA District Attorney, Darren Levine, not a former member of any special forces unit that I know of.

  • It is if you find a real teacher. The problem with any martial art schools including Krav Maga (KM) is that you really don't know who is a fake and who is for real until a certain amount of time and experience.

    Taking on an armed assailant is not something you want to do by experimenting with techniques taught by questionable instructors.

    KM is a bonafide martial art and I have trained under a couple of very good instructors who taught local police and SWAT teams. I would still be training with them if it were not for the fact that after 9/11 they both re-enlisted (they were both ex-SpecOps) and got sent to Afghanistan.

    I cannot stress enough to you that fighting an armed attacker is very serious and you must not confuse what you saw at the movies and on tv for real life combat. It is NOTHING like it in any shape or form.

  • There is no teacher if there is no student, there is no student if there is no teacher. This term must coordinate from each other, because such had been made to properly utilize the worth of things according to its purposes. Without proper guidance from any qualified Instructor, things will turn into mess, because you will not even know if what you did is correct or wrong, you will just develop some bad habit that hard to break soon, wherein you are prone to any injury due to less understanding on some important methods and applications. Being on legit Martial Arts school is the most necessary idea, he can correct, comment and settled things that need immediate correction, this is about when, what, who and how question that only Instructor with broad skills and knowledge regarding Martial Arts can clearly clarify and answer things. Good luck ..............

  • It can be. However, it is frequently taught by underqualified instructors. The Krav Maga taught to the Israeli military is very different from the one that people are allowed to teach civilians.

    How do I know this? I visited Israel, and talked to an instructor in the military. The stuff that gets taught to random people is really watered down by comparison, and rife with fake teachers.

  • I agree with Shihan. It is unwise to try to take a weapon away from someone who has ANY experience with it. As far as Krav being a good form of self defense. I say anything that helps you learn to defend yourself is good. Personally though, I'd recommend some form of ju-jitsu.

  • Krav Maga is the only reality based self defense system you should learn it is battle tested by the Israeli military. as effective as it is it is that way because of its sometimes brutal moves and like everyone says know your local laws but as a Krav Maga instructor i ask you to remember this quote. I would rather be judged by 12 jurors than carried by 6 pal bearers

  • Krav is nothing but self defense. It places a huge emphasis on gun and knife defense so it'll be right up your alley and teaches you how to be really violent when you're on the offensive to end a fight swiftly.

  • it's really great, easy to learn. probably the best martial art for self defense.

    ussally when someone has a knife, and it depends on how they hold it. if they have the ice pick hold. ( used for stabing downward), you block it with one hand punch with the other, at the same time. keep holding his knife hand, and with the hand you punched with grab his neck pull downward as you knee him on his balls.

  • It's great, but know your local laws and stay out of jail!

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