who do I contact for animal abuse?

My room mate/sister just chased my cat into my room, picked her up by the scruff of her neck, screamed at her, and threw her into my closet with such force I was scared she would be hurt.

My cat is showing no signs of injury or psychological distress. She seems fine. But what happened was NOT okay. Who do I call? The cops? I just feel they wouldnt take it serious... should I call the aspca or something like that? This is not the first time she has thrown my cat, though never before has she thrown her against something like that.... my sister is a very violent person and to be honest, im afraid of her. How would she likely be punished if I did report her for animal cruelty?

I live in ohio if that helps...

Moving out is not an option. We live in a house rented to us by our parents, I dont have the money to move out and our parents wouldnt do anything about it.


  • Realistically, the best thing you can do is to keep your cat in your room. You could call animal control, but they can't do anything without seeing some harm to the animal or a witness other than yourself. You would just upset your sister and make matters more difficult for all of you.

  • Get a job so you CAN move out. In the meantime move this cat to a friend's house so it doesn't end up DEAD.

    You could call your local animal control and report her for animal abuse but is she a minor or no? Clearly she's got some SERIOUS issues if she thinks abusing animals is OK. Why won't your parents do anything? Have you talked to them about her? Sounds like a freaking nutjob.

  • Call the cops....just like if it were your child.

    959.13 Cruelty to animals. (OHIO)

    (A) No person shall:

    (1) Torture an animal, deprive one of necessary sustenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beat, needlessly mutilate or kill, or impound or confine an animal without supplying it during such confinement with a sufficient quantity of good wholesome food and water;

    (2) Impound or confine an animal without affording it, during such confinement, access to shelter from wind, rain, snow, or excessive direct sunlight if it can reasonably be expected that the animals would otherwise become sick or in some other way suffer. Division (A)(2) of this section does not apply to animals impounded or confined prior to slaughter. For the purpose of this section, shelter means a man-made enclosure, windbreak, sunshade, or natural windbreak or sunshade that is developed from the earth's contour, tree development, or vegetation.[;]

    (3) Carry or convey an animal in a cruel or inhuman[e] manner;

    (4) Keep animals other than cattle, poultry or fowl, swine, sheep, or goats in an enclosure without wholesome exercise and change of air, nor or feed cows on food that produces impure or unwholesome milk;

    (5) Detain livestock in railroad cars or compartments longer than twenty-eight hours after they are so placed without supplying them with necessary food, water, and attention, nor permit such stock to be so crowded as to overlie, crush, wound, or kill each other.

    (B) Upon the written request of the owner or person in custody of any particular shipment of livestock, which written request shall be separate and apart from any printed bill of lading or other railroad form, the length of time in which such livestock may be detained in any cars or compartment without food, water, and attention, may be extended to thirty-six hours without penalty therefor. This section does not prevent the dehorning of cattle.

    (C) All fines collected for violations of this section shall be paid to the society or association for the prevention of cruelty to animals, if there be such in the county, township, or municipal corporation where such violation occurred.

  • Try calling aspca, if that dosent work than calling the cops is your only option (if you speak to her multiple times) they would probably take your cat though =/.

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