Do common names bother you?

You can explain or say simply yes or no.However it would help to explain.


  • They bother me because common names are never common anymore. Everything goes in trends and trends mean an overwhelming amount of the same damn name! Like, a couple of months ago this site became obsessed with Sophia and Olivia - I don't know why, either. Maybe a new movie came out but, either way, in less than a week I was sick to death of looking at them. And now, Arabella has hit scene as the latest, trendy name that was spurred on by Harry Potter, along with Lily and Ariana. It's really quite annoying.

  • I agree with what a few other answerers said. For other people's children, common names do not bother me, but on my own, it can be a concern (though not a large one - I still like some common names like Ethan and Sarah, I just may not use them, except perhaps for a middle name).

    My name is not super unheard of, but it was unique where I lived; at school, work, etc, I was always THE Candace, not Candace T., or whatever nonsense. I liked that about my name, and so because of the positive example, I am drawn to give my children names that are not in the top 10. Honestly if I loved something, that would overcome it though. For an idea, my favorite boy name for the past decade has and is still Garrett. In recent years it's stayed more or less popular, but I would still use it.

    Other boy names I like are Arthur and Kendrick. Old-fashioned, not so common. It doesn't bother me - I like mismatched sets, not everything has to be similar in popularity/feel.

    To sum I suppose common names don't *bother* me, but I do take popularity into consideration at least a trifle, when deciding upon names I would use.

  • I like what I like and don't care if it's common or not., but, if I were actually naming a child I would definitely avoid the common names. If I happened to absolutely be in love with one, I may use it as a middle - May. My birth name is common with the first being #2, and the middle #1; The following year the switched positions so my first name was #1 for years. I would seriously advise against naming your child a highly rated name. It never felt like my name because it didn't suit me at all, and soooo many other girls were wearing it.

  • No! I think you have to look at what that name might mean to the parents or why that decided on that name. So if it's a common name there could be a good reason for it. I feel each person has their own opinion.

  • No, even with a common name a lot of times the child is named after a family member or the name has meaning to the family. I really don't care what other people name their kids, although really out there names sometimes make me roll my eyes!

  • it does. I feel that a child with a common name gets shafted. It seems like the parents wasnt trying very hard lol but it just wont show personality. Even if you chose an old common name itll stick out. Just my opinion.

  • I think every parent has the right to decide what they name their own child. However I think parents' should always consider the effect it will have on the child; if it's going to get them teased or are going to have to spell it to people for the rest of the lives they may be should reconsider. The child is the one that has got to live with it.

  • They don't bother me on other people but it bothers me when choosing a name for my own baby.

  • I hate names like Rachel and Sarah and Deborah its terrible I like names with "pizazz"

  • Not at all. It's all about taste. I love Matthew, but I also love Felicity.

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