Do you need a passport to go to canada?

Im pissed at my parents and I'm leaving California to go to Canada. Im thinking about going to Toronto because it's really nice. I have 1000$ but I heard you need a passport to go to Canada on plane and if that's the case I'll hitchhike there


  • yes you do

    and you would need way more than a grand to survive

  • You can be pissed at your parents if you like....but you'd better find another place in the U-S to hang out!

    You WILL need a passport to enter Canada, no matter the mode of transportation. So, whether you plan on flying, boating, hitch-hiking or even WALKING across the border, you will NOT be allowed to enter the country (or leave this one) without that U-S document.

    Better learn to eat some Crow, Dude!

  • Do Americans Need a Passport to Visit Canada

  • Yes you will need a passport. If you hitchhike and get a vehical to drive you to Canada you will still need a passport. If you hitchhike across the border ( not at a border stop) and get caught ... You will be in alot of trouble.

  • You will need a passport to go to Canada, whether you fly or drive.

    If you hitchhike there, they won't let you across the border unless you have a passport.

  • yes you need a passport even if you are in a car

  • Yes. Especially to get back in. Running away from problems does not resolve them; they are YOUR problems and you take them with you.

  • I think you should go, that would be the best thing that ever happened to your parents.

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