is it normal to skip a period?

Im 15 years old and have had a period sense I was 12. I have been regular for about 10-14 months now. I had sex about 5-7 weeks ago though. and skipped my period that i was supposed to be on 2-3 weeks ago. But i have been under A LOT of stress with breaking up with my boyfriend of 7 months and so on. but im still scared. HELP PLEASE


  • Have you taken a pregnancy test? If not, I suggest you to take one as soon as you can, just to see if the skipping of your period might be the cause of pregnancy from having sex 5-7 weeks ago. If your pregnancy test comes out negative, maybe there is a possibility that you skipped your period due to being under stress? As you've said... If you come out negative, and still skip your period when your next period is due, I would suggest you to seek professional help a.k.a a doctor/gynecologist just to see whether or not there may be something abnormal about your body.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    I hope I've helped!

  • For teens, yes, it's very common. Look at other postings on here, dear.

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