Do miracles prove God's existence?

Reasons why and/or why not, please!


  • No.

    A god that could be proved by a finite mind would, plainly,

    not be God.

    God is outwith 'proof' ; miracles, and much else are evidences

    pointing in that direction.

  • So called Miracles are not proof of the existence of a god,as has been demonstrated time and time again by the debunking of most all of the worlds greatest miracle workers who unfortunately can not reproduce any of their numerous miracles under controlled scientific conditions..they are however very sucessful and have no problems performing their miracles for their audience in the big church,by which people claim to have been healed of ailments which are largely unconfirmned by any medical science.

    The average claim of a miracle healing of cancer comes only after the person has undergone chemo/radiation therapy and their cancer is greatly reduced or is placed into remission....Many of which however develope the same cancer years later and die which doesnt say much for a miracle healing.

    Miracles are parlor tricks used to awe the followers, the preacher invokes his prayers and does his dramatic callings on Jesus,God,Angels and then rebukes the evil satan and the demon which is causing the ailment and surprise surprise the person jumps up dances a round and recieves the blessing of the holy spirit and falls backwards on the stage and claims to be completely healed...

    Claims of miracles do not prove the existence of god.

    If people think such miracles do then how would they explain the numerous healings people attribute to Muhammed, Ganesh, Sheba, Isis, Artimis, Pan, Osirus, Asheria, Diana, and hundreds of other gods? Do those Deities exist as well?

  • Miracles, such as what?

    The following views are mine only, and not meant to offend:

    I would love to believe in gods existance - but i can't! Miracles in the Bible, how do we know they happened, and it's not just a story written by some crazy guy thousands of years ago?

    'Miracles' on earth, now, yes are unusual and amazing - but there is almost always a reasonable explaination found through science...

    They don't prove anything, except that science can be fascinating and beautiful!

    People are always asking, why didn't God stop wars? Well i can understand arguemnets against this - it was self inflicted.

    But Famines?



    Thousands of people killed through natural disasters, the nature God created!

    So, if you can name a miracle i will be able to answer the question properly.

  • Yes, miracles prove God's existence, because the very definition of a miracle is something that goes against natural laws. If something goes against natural laws, then there must be more to the world than physical things, i.e. God. However, as many comments have shown, whether miracles actually have occurred, and what constitutes something violating the laws of nature, is under debate.

  • First of all, every religion claims that its god/s perform miracles. Miracles were also attributed to numerous Roman emperors and Greek philosophers, too. If you say that miracles are real you have to say that all gods are real and that humans can perform miracles too.

    Second, no one has ever produced evidence of a truly miraculous event. It's always things that can easily happen anyway. Plane crashes and one person survives? Not a miracle. Spontaneous remission of some disease? Not a miracle. After strenuous human effort some trapped miners are freed? Not a miracle. Amputated limb suddenly reappears after prayer? That would be a miracle, but it never happens. Plane that's about to crash is suddenly seized by an unseen force and set gently on the ground? Never happens.

  • Yes miracles prove that God exists.

    Now some might not accept miracles and others do, but if they actually are accepted then it is God who can engineer such feats.

    The problem is always to prove that a miracle has happened rather than who has actually made it.

    So whether God exists or not is not to be deducted out from any miracles, but through 'faith' which is always being left to our own 'free will'.

  • In order to prove a miracle to a skeptic, it must pass scientific scrutiny. That's not because anyone wants to DISprove the miracle, it's because we simply don't accept someone's word that a miracle took place.

    So there must be some evidence that can be inspected by several respected experts. Then they must reach the conclusion that a miracle occurred and their study must be made available to ALL experts to be verified and accepted generally by them.

    That's how scientifically minded people analyze EVERYTHING before accepting things as fact and religious claims get no exception to that rule. It doesn't matter how many witnesses claim they saw something. It doesn't matter that the Pope has verified it as a miracle. There must be verifiable evidence for all to see.

  • Yes because Jesus performed miracles in the New Testament. After Jesus ascended into Heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon His disciples and gave them gifts of the Spirit. This in turn allowed His disciples to not only preach the message of God, but also perform miracles in His name. In fact, since we can still receive the Holy Spirit today, miracles are still being performed today. Miracles therefore are proof of God's existence :)

  • No since miracles are supposed to embody the characteristics of the one doing the miracle. Honestly, how many verifiable miracles are there which truly demonstrate omnipotence? At best you've got strange coincidences, not powerful suspensions of natural law.

  • We dont even know if miracles or god is real. I'm an athiest so I dont think ''miracles'' prove that 'god' is real. There is nothing that can prove gods existence.

    Athiest. Don't hate me because I dont have the same beliefs as you. I'm not saying im right. I'm saying what I believe.

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