Inconsistent vibrato problem?

For the past few months I’ve been having an issue with inconsistent vibrato. However, I got my vocal cords looked a couple weeks ago and the doctor said it was just swelling. Possibly from acid reflux. She prescribed me to reflux medication and so far I am noticing small improvement.

The funny thing is that I haven’t lost any of my range. I can still hit my high notes without too much effort, but my vibrato is unsteady and can almost sound like I am “choking” on it at times. But it is ONLY when I’m singing classical music. When I’m singing rock, pop, etc, I don’t have this issue - only when I sing with my operatic voice. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or what else I can do besides medicate?


  • Keep in mind that this is speculation. It's important to note that you don't make vibrato happen. Vibrato is a natural occurrence due to the inconsistency of muscular tension- tension is normal, vocal technique is the regulation of muscular tension. Classical technique primarily makes use of natural vibrato, which the swelling could interfere with. Allow your vocal cords to rest.

    Your answer could be different if you are making use of artificial vibrato (intentional use or the lack of use of vibrato). I wouldn't know the answer in this case unless you're using natural vibrato for classical and artificial vibrato for everything else. But remember, it's better to wait for the swelling to go down before you start singing again. Singing could cause more swelling to occur.

  • You expect someone on Q&A to help where the doctor couldn't. Perhaps you're not giving the medication enough time to work.

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