G as laws problem please help!?

Do not understnad this problem at all, please help!


Sodium azide inside the air bag rapidly decomposes into sodium metal and nitrogen gas upon a vehicle collision. Given that 0.646 moles of sodium azide (NaN3) is decomposed, what is the volume of the nitrogen gas as it inflates the air bag whose temperature is 40.2 degrees Celsius and whose pressure is 3.8 atm?


  • PV = n*R*T

    P = 3.8 atm

    n = 0.646

    T = 273 + 40.2 oC = 313.2

    V= ???

    The problem is going to be R.

    R = 0.08205746 atmosphere / oK mole

    The reference is here. You should bookmark it while you are in this section.


    3.8 * V = 0.646 * 0.0821 * 313.2

    V = 4.37 L or 4.4 Liters. I wonder if this is accurate. It doesn't seem like very much. It calculates correctly though.

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