7th grade algebra help [:?

Find the slope of the line that contains (-8, -3) and (-8, -8).

How would you do this?

would you just do the same y2-y1 over x2-x1 formula?

if you could go step by step thatd be good, thanks!


  • (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)=m m is the slope



    and since it is impossible to divide by 0 the slope is undefined.

  • what you should do is use slope intercept form:y2-y1 over x2-x1...so it would be -8--3 over -8--8 which would equal -5 over 0

  • -8- -8/ -8- -3 = 0/-5 =0

    slope is 0

  • thry and look at the vector between the 2 points (0 -5)

    its a straight line down

  • The slope for that (line?) is undefined. (at least on a graph)

    It goes straight up.

  • yes the formula is that only..

    but if you do that way answer goes to infinity coz 0 comes in denominator.....

  • yeah use the formula you listed in your question...

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