I can't transfer pictures from my Kodak camera onto my computer! Help!?

I have a Kodak camera, and up until recently, I've been using my USB cable and Kodak EasyShare to transfer pictures to my computer. All of the sudden...well, something's wrong, and I just don't know what. When I plug in my camera to my computer using the USB cord, nothing happens when I turn the camera on---the EasyShare menu doesn't pop up like it used to. My pictures won't start loading, either. I get this message time and time again saying something like "Cannot get the device information."

I just don't know what's wrong...

I've tried everything I can think of---including attempting to download updated software from the "Kodak site," but all of those attempts failed; it kept saying I needed to "right click on the Kodak logo and select 'Shut Down'"...well, I tried every possible Kodak logo on my computer, and I was never given the option to "Shut Down."

Please, I need help! This is so frustrating...I have very important pictures I need to get on my computer ASAP!

Even if I don't use the EasyShare program, I need to get them on somehow!


Thanks for all of your help ^.^"

I tried each of yours methods (as best I could) but, this stuff goes so totally over my head, I didn't really achieve anything. It's nearly 5 in the morning, and I haven't gone to bed...so I'm going to sleep on it ^.^"

Thanks again, guys :)


  • I had a similar problem recently...and after much frustration and downloading and thinking it is a software problem... It turned out that the USB cable (chord) was not working anymore...so I bought a new one and it worked ... so maybe it's just the cable (hopefully)... try it if u can on a different computer if it works on it but not on yours, then it is software related... if it doesn't than it's probably hardware related ... one more thing u can try connect it , right click on my computer go to properties\ hardware\device manager right click again and select scan for hardware changes...and check if the device is enabled... good luck

  • I have changed computers and I lost my usb cable and when they tranferd my files my Kodak easy share was not on my new computer I hsve an sd card that I use to use but this comuter is not seeing it what do I need to do?

  • ok try clicking on my computer then seeing if a USB devise shows. if it does click on it and just make a new folder on you computer and drag the pictures from the USB devise. u might have 2 find the folder the pictures r in just have a look through them. plz tell me if this does or does not work i will try and help more

  • Really interesting question, looking forward to going through the answers

  • there is a wire broken in the usb cord.

    buy a card reader at the local store.

  • dont use software, just take the SD card out and buy a card reader......


  • Wow, Thanks! I was wondering the same question the other day

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