WTF is a poverty Czar supposd to do?

Im a little worried about calling someone a Czar first off, seems odd that we'd want to call someone that. Its like saying Poverty dicator or something...

Anyway, Clinton proposed a Czar so here we are--what is the poverty czar supposed to do? Be in charge of Oprah's Big Give? Maybe ,manage the Clinton Foundation?

Are we going to have a war on poverty now? Except try to win this one, not like the war on drugs, or the war on terror-- but this one we'll win because the Czar has got our back?


  • Well, the Czar of Russia was responsible for making Russia as Big as possible.

    Consequently, Hillary's Czar of Poverty will be responsible for making Poverty as Big as possible.

  • A poverty czar is someone that sounds nice during an election but can't accomplish much. In Ms. Clinton's mind we are some country in the south of Africa. If she wants to see poverty, she should go there. Uh, better not! She'd send your money to them.

  • didn't we declare war on poverty a long time ago? looks like poverty's the winner! we're heading for a recession! i think the poverty czar is supposed to make sure all the people who get thrown out of their foreclosed homes don't get too unruly while they're sleeping on those subway gratings. i don't think we did too well with that war on drugs either. maybe we ought to stop declaring war on ideas, even if they are bad ideas.

  • With the Republicans, every "war" on something is a big joke on the American taxpayer--because these so-called "conflicts" just further serves to enrich the wealthy and the powerful, and continues to disenfranchise the minorities, working-class America, and the poor.

    Someone has to tell Bush sooner or later that no matter what we do, poverty will always be here, drugs will always be here, and terrorism is here to stay.

  • hillary's poverty czar will tell her what she already knows:

    you and your family are filthy rich and the rest of america are either poor or barely making it.

  • Crack the whip over the Happy Peasants.

    Damned if I know....

    But I bet it means making more people poor by coercing more taxes out of them....

  • Something only a racist like Hillary would come up with.

  • hes like robin hood , take money from those who work and give it to somone that does not work.

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