Do atheists respect Jesus?

Judging by what I've observed here at R&S, it seems to me that some atheists know more about what Jesus preached than a lot of christians IMHO.


  • They pick and choose, and don't understand the totality of Jesus' teachings.

    And to be fair, there are many "Christians" here that do not behave very Christ-like at all.

  • Whether or not Jesus actually existed is a completely different question, but I believe that the Jesus described in the Bible generally had positive teachings. I do not agree with all of it, but he is definitely more of a positive influence than a negative influence. That being said, I personally do not believe he is real, and I have yet to see any convincing evidence. I would like to figure out who actually wrote the Bible so I can learn more about the author. Why? Because they were all his ideas. Jesus could have just been a character in a novel.

  • I don't think they respect Jesus. My friend is Atheists and dispises Jesus. I think they are just observing what Jesus teached so that they can point out the improfections in the bible. They might find some but thats normal because the bible is not the whole truth, it was made by man.

  • Sometimes yes, atheists often know more about the teaching of Jesus than many Christians. However, they fail to put them into practice, which is a real shame. Thus they don't respect Him or even believe in Him.

  • I was going to say no, but then I read the rest of the question. Then I thought, I guess for people not to believe in something, they would have to have a knowledge of it, or else how could they say they don't believe in something that they know nothing about??

    But as for respecting Jesus, I really couldn't say,.

  • I respect him like the fictional character he is. I respect Rambo to the extent of his existence on screen. There is no physical evidence that Jesus existed, other than the decades old ramblings of men trying to spawn a new religion. So, Jesus had a message in a fictional piece of literature. I respect the message and the character to the extent of his existence in literature.

  • They say they respect Him as a "good moral teacher," but this makes no sense to me.

    Here is a guy who said He could heal the sick, forgive sins, and was God Himself. If these same atheists heard someone saying these things today they'd call him completely crazy. A raving lunatic. So why not call a spade a spade with Jesus?

  • Jesus is easy to respect because he is like a blank canvas. Aside from a few phrases specific to the new faith he inspired, he mostly said differing versions of "treat each other with respect". It's hard not to get behind that. With someone like that, you can take whatever morals you have and project them on to him. Muslims consider him a great prophet, white supremicists view him as the original anti-Semite, hippies respect his talk of peace and love.

    A modern example of a character like this is Barack Obama. So many people flock to him because they see themselves in him, because there's not much of himself there.

  • im not an athiest but there is no reason for someone to not respect him, other then the fact that if you dont believe in god and that he did

    and btw jesus was not just a biblical charecter made up to represent god he really was a living person who taught people about god its just unsure if he really did do the miracels that he supposivly did , just incase some people were unclear of whether or not he really existed

  • I respect Jesus as much as I respect the "Tortoise and the Hair..." and the "Grasshoper and the ants"

    and sometimes I don't respect him, because... if you look hard enough in the bible... He says some pretty messed up things.

  • Do you respect Tinkerbell? I view both Tinkerbell and Jesus as fictional characters both deserving of the same level of respect...

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