I'm a teenage transsexual, what do i do?

I'm 16, and I am a transsexual. My parents know, and although they say are supportive, I have a feeling my dad doesn't support me. I was born a male, and every time my dad finds something feminine that I own, he wants me to throw it away. But I don't want to, because they just feel right. Actions speak louder than words, so although I love my dad, I just don't think he accepts me, no matter what he says. I want to start the hormone process, but I don't know if I can, and I don't know how to ask my dad. I've seen a therapist for a year or two now, and he's not really the best help. I also experience random effects of depression, which most likely is due to the fact that I am a teen.

Can somebody give me some advice. I'm at a loss for ideas, and I desperately need an outside opinion. Please don't respond to try and change my mind about me being a transsexual. I know I am, and I've had to experts confirm it. I just need advice.


  • Your Dad probably needs some time to deal, maybe he thinks he can turn you "back into a boy" if he removes feminine influences.... Silly Dad....

    A great resource I've found online is YouTube. There's transgirls and transguys from all walks of life on there. They're pretty much in the know on what it means to be a trans-teen.

  • Hon I'm a 42 year old transexxual so the depression isn't due to you being a teen. It effects us all that are going through transition.

    As far as couseling goes you may have to take the bull by the horn and find counseling on your own. United Way may be of some help to you in finding a gender counselor. Otherwise let your fingers do the work on the computer.

    Your dad is a tough one. He like most all homophobic males thinks that what your doing is a choice. That by God you were born a male so YOU must be a male. Thats such bull ship. I'd gladly be anything else then to be trans. I suppose that if your dad doesn't want to accept who you want to be some day. He is refussing to do so. He might also think that if he doesn't incourage it that you'll give up and go back to being a boy just for him. It doesn't work that way.

    This may not be what your looking for in an answer. But you need to do your best in school then go onto college. There you can be who you want to be more easily. Do your best there as well. You really need to earn a degree in something to where you can apply for work as a female that will earn you allot of money to survive on. Do your research and find out whats open in the market for careers for the working woman. To pay for all of the surgeries and counseling and meds and hormones,etc. You need a job that pays well. Plus you want to live comfortably and be able to buy all of the latest fashions right? Then go out and do your best in getting there.

  • Sounds like you need some resources that can help you cope with what you are going through.

    Keep in mind there is a difference between being just transgendered, and being transsexual.

    First try and figure out where you want to go with this and how you plan on going about it.

    Education is the first key to it all. Educate yourself. A good education can take you far in life.

    It's a long journey and you must prepare yourself for this journey. Have a long term plan.

    Set goals. It's going to take a lot of discipline. Stay focused and stay positive.

    Best wishes.



  • You need to get into therapy with your parents support. Experts do not confirm transexxualism, Therapists diagnose GID and then work with gender patients for years to find the best treatment, be that hormones, surgery or both and all the while working to create a positive self image for the individual.

    At your age they will give you anti-androgens to postpone developement until age 18.

  • i'm sorry, you are able to no longer combat it. the speedier you settle for it the happier you would be in existence. we've all often long previous with the aid of some form of massive denial degree, however the faster you attempt to handle it the greater advantageous. or you would be an offended/depressed closet case till you're 35 whilst all of it boils over and by skill of that element and attempting to restoration that is plenty greater stable. the sentiments will merely get properly as you become previous. what's incorrect with being a woman? Are you somewhat a common teenage boy once you're merely repressed and depressed? If something the way you reside top now's no longer commonplace when you consider for you to genuinely be the gender your strategies tells you. people who initiate transitioning whilst youthful often land up with impressive effects. First step first, talk approximately what you sense, does not ought to be with a psychologist, random people on the cyber web who've shared the comparable journey can help. yet talking approximately that is key to determining what the actual subject is. you are able to e mail me some questions in case you will like, i'm in basic terms 2 years previous being a youngster or maybe much less time previous accepting what i became, so I totally bear in mind what it became desire to be a youngster in denial

  • first of all, you may wanna find another therapist because it sounds like the one you have is getting paid for free, second: i think have have to be 18 for the hormone process, unless your parents co-sign. third: your dad loves you the same as the day you were born, hes just having a hard time accepting who you are.(thats natural for parents) and forth: atleast you were strong enough to admit what you were, and not hiding in a shell most of your life like alot of people do.and if you are happy with yourself, thats all that matters because if you are waiting on the world to make you happy, you will be waiting to the day you die. (good-luck)

  • I'd get in touch with GLTBQ youth groups in your area-- talking to people who actually understand what you're going through would probably be a huge relief. Or, if it feels weird to physically go somewhere, there are loads of places online that could help you out (just be careful in chatrooms and stuff about giving out personal info.) Even if your dad doesn't let you start hormone therapy, at least you'll have friends who you can go to for support.

  • I'm pretty sure you can't do any hormones until you are 18. I would just let your dad go and be happy with your self. happiness in your best revenge. Then get another therapist that can help you more. Best of luck.

  • You said you have a therapist, why don't you ask him? I'm sure he'll give the best advice.

  • im not tryin to change ur mind in any way, im jst giving my opinion in saying u should be happy with who u are, sure uve been think of ur feelings but what about ur dads, he was prlly expecting a son that he can be proud of, instead of going trough phases. instead of think about ur self and ur need, think of ur dad man. he pays the bills, pays for ur therapy, feeds u, brought u up, he gonna pay for the things u need and he's trying to luv as much as he can, if u cant change or can change who u, in a manner of speaking, then so be it, but consider ur dads feeling, he straight because he had u, so my guess is that he wanted a straight son, and for him to see the family line end b4 his eyes, it must be difficult and i know he should accept u for who u are, but u have to consider ur dads feelings. ur prlly depressed because u think u dad hates u, but he doesnt even tho his actions can't be hidden atleast he's tryin to luv the best he can. wat u need to do is tlk with ur dad.

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