Do you think I'm depressed?
Lately I've been feeling very down and some people have suggested that I might be depressed, but Im not sure. Since around a year ago I stopped doing ballet, which I used to love doing, because I just couldn't enjoy it anymore. I also lost interest in a couple of other hobbies that I used to love. I used to be a pretty good student but now I dont have any motivation for school. Everything that I do makes me feel exhausted, so I'm always sleeping. I used to be able to concentrate for long periods of time but now can't concentrate on anything and I'm always nervous. Sometimes I get very sad and I dont really know why. Other times I get very angry and I feel like Im about to explode, but I keep it inside.
It has come to the point where I have stopped caring about everything and I dont have any motivation to do things like I used to. Do you think I'm depressed or is this something else? Also what do you think I should do about this?
You do sound as though you don't like how your life is right now.
Start doing more things that you like to do. Try getting back to a ballet class. Try a new hobbie that you've always wanted to try but haven't yet.
Try to hang out with a friend a few times during the week. Go to movies or another fun thing together. Find a volunteer thing to do once a week. Something to take you outside of yourself. Help others.
Whether you are depressed or not, these things lead to more motivation, stimulation, self-esteem etc.
Maybe try dancing at home to your fave music?
Yes you are depressed.