how do i report a teacher?

i go to a music school in N.S.W. and the the teacher i want to report is the head of music and most of the staff are frightened of her and the school leaders don't try and stop her or do anything when a student mentions how she treats them, she has abused students in the following ways:

physcically- she has thrown pencils at student and pulled on childrens ears when they have misbehave or made her mad

emotionally/psychological- she has cause students to break down in tears, and leave the school from too much pressure to do well in music

socially- she gives students short notice of music rehearsals etc, and makes them cancel any arrangements they have.

sexually?- she has taken it upon herself to fix students top buttons herself, and has unrolled girls skirts without their permission, or pulled them down.

verbally- she has called students names, e.g. "stupid"

this teacher also has her students phone numbers and texts students during classes about music lessons and other events, which i know teachers are not supposed to have a students contact details like these.

the other teachers, year coordinators, counselors, head of middle school, have done nothing when these issues have been raised


it is a private school


  • Before you do anything you need to document. If you just say what you have written in this posting, it comes across as hearsay. Have all these things really happened since September?

    Things must be written down. That means that you must record each incident with the date and time, who was involved, where it took place, what happened, and who witnessed it.

    I would suggest that you and your friends put together an accurate log. You can go back and log some very recent ones, but if you don't know specifics for some, don't include them. Start from this point on. It sound, sadly, as if you will have no problem in getting solid examples. Remember that there are most likely cameras in your school and that the digital recordings are kept. If your records are not absolutely accurate, your records can be called into question. For example, if you say that such and such happened at a certain time on a certain day, it is possible for the school to review the camera recording for that time and place. If it shows that the teacher had left the room (or even was absent) at the time and place stated on your document, that example is thrown out. You can't go back and say that you really meant a different day. Get it right when you log it or leave it out.

    Then all of you need to go to your parents with these concerns. In turn, the parents need to request a meeting with the superintendent to express their concerns and show the evidence. They would then request that s/he investigate. The school can take action and bring dismissal charges based on violation of school policy and state school code. That can lead to dismissal and loss of license.

    If the school does not take action, then go to the police, but they would only be concerned, I think, with records that indicate that laws have been broken, not examples such as making somebody cry.

    Seriously, actions such as pulling ears or throwing a pencil are wrong, of course, but no police action would be taken for such a minor incident. That's why your course of action should be with the Superintendent. Normally, one would start with the principal but you seem to indicate that the principal has looked away.

  • Ask your parents to contact the Board of Education. They are the people that control all schools and their teachers and principals.

  • Lillybel has it right. Also, what the spacific incident was, dates, times and who was/were involved. Good Luck!

  • I would call the police about it and tell them everything she's done, especially the physical abuse

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