Do you prefer silence or noise?

I like to be in a quiet place with no sounds...I dislike going to places with lot of noise from people and chaos.

So what about you?! Like quiet or noise?


  • I also prefer silence (chaos is the worst kind of noise lol). Silence gives me a clear state of mind.

    It's great to see you again Shark! :)

  • As the mother of first inclination is to respond, Silence and more of it. But, when it is too quiet, I go a little crazy...bring on the noise.

  • I like distant noise, but not too much noise. I think complete silence is unnerving, unless I am with some one else, and they are being quiet too.

  • Silence.

  • Silence!

  • Silence when I'm by myself... But when I'm at a party, I would love to be noise, What would a party be without noise?

  • Silence. regrettably, i'm married to a noisy noise lover it is why I spend plenty time enjoying on YA in a mattress room and go away him to optimal quantity on the television interior the lounge.

  • Something in between. I love beautiful sounds whether it is music, the ocean, tires on gravel, chimes, the way typing sounds in movies.....

    I'm comfortable in the quiet inside my own head as well. I love the quiet & stillness of the night. I abhor a vacume & chaos.

  • Depends on what kind of mood im in. If im in a bad mood sounds make me go CRAZY!!! even little ones. When im in a happy mood the big city is like my favorite place to be with all the sounds that it has!! ^^

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