LGBT How many languages do you speak?

Tomorrow I'm probably checking out the other gay church around here. Looking on the website, I noticed they have a "learn Spanish" class they teach. I wonder why a church would teach a language.

So how many languages do you speak?


  • Shy Guy, I only speak English. Anyway, I am so happy that you are checking out another church. I hope you find a spiritual home.

  • I use to be fluent in Spanish when I was little but when I started school they like made me speak English. Now I speak English and I'm learning Latin hopefully I'm gonna start French and Spanish soon. Many churches learn/speak different languages in order to reach out to third world countries.

  • It's weird. I was a straight A student in Spanish @ school. Now, I haven't used it years but decided to pick it back up again for work. I figured a little brushing up and it would all come flying back. Man, I got the CD's, the book Spanish for Gringos, (sorta like those Cooking for Dummies, Excel for Dummies etc.) AND went to a 4 week night school refresher course. Nuthin'. Must be a dummy!

  • English and French.

    I live in Canada so...

    ( And I have taken french for 9 years and will be in Quebec for 6 months)

    You'd think I'd at least know a couple words of either Gaelic, German or Cantonese but I don't even know one.

    Sadly my heritage doesn't survive. If I ever have a kid, we'd probably emigrate too and he or she won't learn a thing of french.

  • Korean is my first language but i'm now better at English than Korean, so that's two. I don't really count spanish as another language, since i don't speak it fluently, only in school.

  • Just English

  • English (first language)

    Ich spreche deutsch. (German: Second language / bilingual)

    Je parle Francais (French: 3rd language / 5 yrs HS French)

    Rezemie Po Polsku (Polish: certain daily phrases only)

    Spanish (a few phrases only, but can translate a fair amount of written Spanish)

  • Spanish is my first language (Costa Rican spanish), English fluently, French and I'm still learning Swedish. :)

    And I'm pretty sure I'll learn another one lol.

  • native english.

    good enough french to do customer support and training.

    armwavey fumbling ungrammatical german and spanish.

    i can ask for directions and order in a restaurant in russian and dutch. on a good day i may even understand the answers.

    i learned half a dozen words of turkish for my eclipse trip in 2006. fortunately, most people addressed me in german. i got by.

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