does a passport show proof of citizenship?

i wasn't born here and i need to show my school the proof, my parents say i didn't get a certificate because i was only 4 when i came to the states and they automatically just gave me a passport


  • A passport IS proof of citizenship. That's the whole point.

    Who "automatically" gave you a passport?

    If you came into the US from another country, you should have a passport from that country. If you have since become a citizen of the US, you will have a US passport.

    In order to have entered this country, you would have had to have had some evidence of your citizenship in the country you emigrated from. Your parents should have documentation of your birth.

    If your school has issues, your parents should be dealing with them, not you.

  • NO. It proves you are a national of that country.

    Read your passport it states "...the citizen/national..." as in either one the other or both (all US citizens are US nationals but not all US nationals are US citizens). Also note that nowhere on your passport does it state your citizenship but rather it states your nationality.

    Depending on where you were born it can show citizenship but all you really need is to prove your nationality in this case.

    A lot of people do not understand the difference between citizenship and nationality.

  • That is correct. You became a citizen by act of law, the "Child Citizenship Act of 2000" at the same time your mom naturalized. (YOU are NOT a "naturalized" citizen, btw.) You take your mom with you to the passport office. She submits her Certificate of Naturalization, you your Green Card. Let the office drone not tell you any BS that you need a Certificate of Citizenship. You don't. Your citizenship status is clear and not in dispute. Trust me. Also trust me that you need two passports: the book and the card. Why? Because if something happens to one of them, or, God forbid, to your mom, you need a backup document proving that you are a US citizen.

  • Yes,it has to indicate the issuing country.

  • Yes it does, it shows which country you live in permanently.

  • i know most people are saying yes but hm.. i'm not quite sure about that..

    so wat happens when your passport expires.. does that mean you're not a citizen anymore?

    i think it's better if you check out the government website or even ring up someone

  • yes it does

  • i think it does

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