Is a divorce present ever appropriate?

If yes, then what?

Just talking to a friend of mine. Seems that as hard and painful as the process is, there still may be some cause to celebrate.


  • I gave a friend of mine a set of knifes when her divorce to a VERY abusive man was final! He had stabbed her with one from her set. Then the Bas--turd took the set when he left.

    I had a very unkind suggestion carved into the knife block in case he was ever to come back too!

    Not always so loving huh?! Pandora

  • Depending upon the situation. I say, maybe you shouldn't present it as a divorce present, but maybe as a liberation present, or a pick me up present. If your friend has been suffering through out the marriage and is elated to be free of their significant other, then perhaps there is a reason to celebrate. On the otherhand, if your friend is very distraught by this situation, and having a very hard time dealing with it, a present should be presented as a "pick me up". Perhaps a night out, or something to help them de-stress. Like I said, I don't know the situation. But either way, something nice never hurts!

  • I think the furthes I'd feel comfortable with going was maybe a letter expressing aapreciation for the good times there must have been. But a present, no. Or would you want to hand one over every year after that on the date the divorce came through?

  • Depending on how happy the person is to be getting divorced. If you have a really rotten marriage then it may very well be a cause to celebrate. I gave one of my girlfriends a divorce present. My cousin asked her daughter what she wanted for Christmas and she said "a divorce" and my cuz said "ok, I'll pay for it".

  • why not. when you figure there are more divorces in this country than marriages. I think it's a 60% divorce ratio now. People should stop buying wedding presents and start buying divorce presents since it's so popular now.

  • Well, I don't think a present is necessary unless it's a gift card for a massage or a gift card to get something for themself. I think what would be nice to just get their mind off the stress is to hang out with friends maybe go out to eat or to a movie or even a museum. Something that you know your friend would appreciate.

  • Appropriate, well, hell yeah. I gave my ex the car, the furniture, the house and 75% of my income for the next 50 years. That's a good present ain't it?

  • Yes a free pass to anything

  • Yes,something whimsical,such as a glove,a sock,a candlestick,bookend,etc.Or half a cake/pizza,for the party!

  • A dinner and a movie is always a great idea.

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