
I was wondering if you needed your undergraduate diploma berofe becoming a paralegal? I am going to start college next year and was thinking of also taking a paralegal class in order to get a good job while going to college? If you have any other suggestions on a special short term course that will help me find a job pleace tell me.


  • You either need an undergraduate degree or a certificate in order to land a job as a paralegal. Some universities offer paralegal degree courses. Most employers require paralegal certification. However, you do not need a degree or certificate to be a legal assistant. Depending on the office you work in, a legal assitant often times performs the duties of a paralegal. Make sure that the courses you take are ABA certified.

  • For becoming a paralegal, you should attend a community college paralegal program that leads to an associate degree. Another common method of entry, mainly for those who already have a college degree, is earning a certificate in paralegal studies. A small number of schools offer a bachelor’s and master’s degree in paralegal studies. Finally, some employers train paralegals on the job.

    Associate and bachelor’s degree programs usually combine paralegal training with courses in other academic subjects. Certificate programs vary significantly, with some only taking a few months to complete. Most certificate programs provide intensive paralegal training for individuals who already hold college degrees.

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