Spencer as a girls name?

What do you think of the name Spencer for a girl? We were thinking of giving her the middle name Rose


  • I know people name girls Spencer.

    I think of it as an last name.

    I really do not like it as a first name, for either sex.

    I would not use Spencer for a girl.

    I do think it work better as a first name for a boy.

    Spencer Rose is okay

  • I think that you should choose whatever name you like and not give two cents to what other people think. If its a name for your child/future child then think of things like this. You will be calling this child Spencer all her life and she will be going by Spencer all her life. It's not a bad name.

    I don't see what peoples issues with 'masculine' names these days. I remember when it was a big deal to name a girl Noah and now people think that Noah is to feminine to be a boys name. I'm not religious but I'm pretty sure Noah from Noah's Arc in the bible was a dude. So who cares if it is given to a girl or a boy, it works either way.

    My little sister watches some popular show called Pretty Little Liars and one of the main characters name is Spencer. She's a girl, sort of preppy and plays sports, gets into trouble just like everybody else. Not a big deal there, everyone loves her (I mean the girls who adore the television series).

    Same goes for Rose. If you love the name or it has meaning for you, pick the name. I don't personally like Rose for a first or middle name for my own future child but if I were writing a story I'd probably use it. Haven't yet but that doesn't mean I wont. I think with a name like Spencer you either want to go for a two to three syllable super feminine middle name or another very strong middle name. Examples would be like Spencer Addison (Which, funny enough for all these people who think Spencer is masculine but love names like Addison or Maddison... those actually mean Son of Addi and Son of Maddi). or Spencer Blaire.

    In the end, go with what your heart tells you is the best.

  • I think it's beautiful! My top choice for a girl is Spencer Catherine, with the nickname Spencer Kate (I'm from the South -- we love our double names down here). And it's not completely obscure for a girls' name either, it's not like you're naming her William. There's Spencer Grammer, Kelsey Grammer's daughter, and there's Spencer from Pretty Little Liars. I say go for it!

  • No I really don't see it as a girl's name.

    I want to do Levi Spencer

  • I love it -- Except Rose is so over used. How about another version of Rose like...

    Spencer Roslyn or Spencer Rosanne or Spencer Rosanna or Spencer Rosella or Spencer Rosanne

  • No. Spencer is quite masculine.

    Sienna Rose is nice

  • I like it :)

    Spencer Rose is pretty. My favorite combo for Spencer would be Spencer Rhiannon.

  • I think that's stupid, honestly. It's completely masculine. Putting a boy's name on a girl doesn't make it nice. It's tacky/trendy, especially with Rose being such a filler name nowadays. Every other girl has Rose as their middle name, and now with little girls being named Sawyer and things like Spencer...

    please don't.

  • I think it's a terrible name for a girl.

  • i think spencer is a lovely girls name

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