temporary solution for current yahoo e-mail problem (no buttons/access)?

i've tried posting this as an ANSWER to other questions , but i can't get it to post using ANY browser so i'm posting it as my own "question" ...hope this helps

1 ) use a different browser......i use firefox which DOES have the problem.....from what i've learned , many popular browsers (firefox , safari , opera , google chrome , etc) are experiencing the problem but IE (which i WILL NOT use simply to read yahoo mail) seems to be working okay .

EDIT TO ADD - i just tried using google chrome again it IS working in that browser now

2) if you try to access yahoo mail and your buttons (delete , spam , etc) are missing , the problem is that the page is not fully loading....you can wait if you like , but the page won't finish loading....after a while (usually 30 seconds to a minute) you SHOULD have a small box pop up in the lower right corner that reads : "taking too long ? load basic mail".....the "load basic mail" is a link to do just that....once in the basic no-frills version , you can read , delete , access your folders , compose mail , etc....unfortunately , this basic version IS still the stripped down version yahoo stuck us with last year - thus if you're reading an e-mail and click delete , you are returned to the inbox instead of the next message....not good , but it beats total lack of access.

.you may find more info here : http://downdetector.com/status/yahoo-mail

they SAY the issues was resolved saturday morning , but obviously that's not correct


well - maybe they are working on SOMETHING - after an hour of not being able to post this as a reply to anyone else i decided to post it as my own "question"...naturally as soon as i did THAT , i was able to post it as a reply....

it may not be a GREAT solution , but it does work and beats not being able to access your mail at all....hope it helps til they get things fixed...


  • It is Sunday morning. I still have the same issue, but in the "basic mail" version I have "compose" message button but what is the point when there is no "send" or "reply" button. They need to stop messing around.

  • have same problem here, for about a week already. No buttons or access to the mail. The mail page itself would not interact

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