cramps? no period?
my period ended a few weeks ago So i know it's not my period, but i still get cramps from time to time, this is only the second time i've gotten these cramps got them with my period the last few weeks and Now, and it's not stomach pains/cramps, These are pains i only get from when i'm on my period more so "before" i get my period, but i've already had it, So whats going on? It's never happened before besides this time and the last, and it feels like i'm on my period again which sucks but i'm not, And don't say your pregnant Cause i'm not i haven't had sex in awhile so it's not that, what else could cause it? I'd really like to hear answers that people KNOW what there talking about like if it's happened to you, or if you went to the doc about it, Is it serious? I have too many bills from the hospital so i'd like to know for sure if it's serious or not before i add up in bills again, thanks.
Sometimes women cramp when they are ovulating (which generally happens 1 to 2 weeks after your period ends). It happens to me too and I found out that was why, I was fine. If they are really intense and painful then go see a doctor.
I reckon I've had the same problem in between my periods too. It just goes away, so I didn't stress about it. If your really that worried, there is really only one way to be sure and that is to see a doctor, or a gynaecologist, both being female.
If it continues for another few hours or the pain worsens, Go To The Doctor or HOSPITAL! IT COULD BE SERIOUS.. Life is worth more than money... Most hospitals take payments, and have charity write-offs for financially desperate people.
May God watch over you.
I suffer from PCOS and I get those same cramps when I ovulate! It is nothing to worry about but if you are unsure you can go to your local Family Planning Clinic (In Australia anyway) and they will offer you a papsmear and blood tests to confirm that it is nothing to worry about.......... and it is free of cost!!!
Good Luck
Well thats what i had, then i found out i was pregnant!!
If you have been having unprotected sex i would buy a test. If you havent been sexually active i would go see the doc and find out what is going on!
these are ovulation cramps! i get them every month when i'm ovulating... it happens with some women i even went to the doctor one time cuz i was wondering why i always have cramps every month! yep, ovulation cramps!
It could be cramps from ovulating. Do you feel them more on one side or the other?
heeey, i in simple terms were given my first era suitable this second! properly, if there particularly undesirable you ought to get a warmth warm water bottle + a warmth drink. placed on some warmth clothing or comfortable ones, lay on the settee and in simple terms relax !
Sometimes it's gas, ovarian cysts, endometriosis (sp?), if you aren't pregnant, some times they are just normal and when you go to your obgyn, talk to them.
Maybe an infection