MJ fans - do you feel as if...?
What happened was a lifetime ago? (Even though it's only been slightly over a year)
@Sophie: WE have the RIGHT to like whoever we do - and when we lose the person we are ALLOWED to grieve and ask questions (I mean, they'r questions; they'r legit!) about that person. I specifically stated "MJ fans". And it's implied that impolite answers are not wanted.
Like.... it may have only been one year but in that time, so much has happened... Like meeting people like you, and Beth... It's pretty much a year since we started talking!!
And how much more I've learnt about him when I didn't really think it was possible... And how so much has happened in that past year, almost too much for just one year really and yet, it's only been that long...
Michael's death was a tragedy but it helped me meet some amazing people, like you
) ily 
Yeah, I totally agree, I remember the day he died so clearly, yet it stills seems like so long ago. I remember going downstairs that morning on the 25th of June 2009, and getting my cereals, and then turning on the TV. I remember the news coming on and it said that Michael Jackson had died. I couldn't actually believe it. Even though I wasn't a HUGE fan then, I still liked a lot of his songs and knew about how he contributed so much to music and dance. But, as I said, even though I wasn't a fan, I was still devastated, because, to be honest he was probably the most talented man on our earth that was living, and I was so upset to know that we had lost such a great legend.
But, following that tragic day of his death, I started to find out more things about Michael Jackson, I found out that he had even more amazing hits than I thought he did!
I also found out about his charity work, and his kindness and amazingness; I mean, I've never known (I know I didn't personally know him, but I feels as if I do.) someone so kind, gentle, loving, and simply gorgeous. I remember watching Home Movies for the first time and realizing how funny but sweet Michael was! Michael was amazing, and I wish I found out all these amazing things about him before he died. 
I love you so much Michael, rest in peace, buddy. I hope you're having a great time up there with your giant collection of super soakers !
I Love You. â¥
Michael Jackson may be dead but he is still ALIVE in ALL of our hearts. :]
Sophie we ARE allowed to like whoever we want alright? So you are going to have to face it that's how the world is.! MICHAEL JACKSON MAY YOU REST IN PEACE : ] ♥
Yeah. I used to think to myself, since i'm only 16 "god..MJ is going to die in my lieftime
" then it ahppened..I didn't think it would happen till I was 'old'.
it's something I thought about a lot before he died. like to think one day he'd be gone, was sad.
Yeah I feel the same way.. It's like he is somewhere where we can't see him but he is with us in our hearts..
MICHAEL we love you and we miss you a lot:'(
Spread the L.o.v.e
Heal the world
HemmyMJ â¥
His career was over a lifetime ago
No because we keep hearing about it everyyyy day
It annoys me, everyone dies. . A famous person dies - & it's the end of a world.