why does congress government oppose.?

Why does congress government oppose against anyone who talks about passing strong anti corruption bill ?


  • Because then they would have to give all their money back/wouldn't receive any outside "help."

  • It is not only the congress Government ; but any government run by any political party would nt like to have its life -line cut .

  • Because Congress is the biggest source of corruption.

  • the Party is a brood of corrupt people that's why.

  • the government is not only build by congress ,there are so many parties supported to form the government ,at assembly they should take everybody's support to pass the bill ,they oppose it because everybody are thief, they'll be captured if they pass the bill

  • Most of the corruption ordinary people facing comes under state authorities..Passing a bill in center government does not eradicate corruption,, it needs state level legislation,,,

  • If Quebec, Canada is any comparison the reason why they oppose an anti-corruption bill is because most of the politicians are corrupt themselves. Hopefully one will pass someday though, it has taken decades for an elected government of Quebec to deal with corruption allegations. Patience my friend.

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