Do women naturaly grow no hair?
on their chest/tummy/back.
I mean its even fuzz free, totaly bald smooth like plastic.
Do women wax it ? Or natural blessing?
Why do we men get so much hair, few even a lot , like fur curse :'-(
on their chest/tummy/back.
I mean its even fuzz free, totaly bald smooth like plastic.
Do women wax it ? Or natural blessing?
Why do we men get so much hair, few even a lot , like fur curse :'-(
i am a girl. and i have hair. a lot of hair. thick. i shave/wax whatever. but yes there are some girls who just don't have hair!! (besides their head) they're lucky. and some go for laser treatment where their body hair is permanently out. well yes guys do have much much more hair. its hormones.
You want to be smooth like a girl?
because men and women have different sexual and physical hormones...our homones stop/prevent us from growing hair and your hormones enable you to grow it
Women have hair there too, its just thin small and light..
Do you know what hormones are?