40 miles a day in a 1.6 Astra in uk-how much petrol?

I am driving a 40 mile trip each day, I don't know how to change it into how much petrol it should be costing me a week to do this, can anyone help please? X


  • It depends on the conditions, driving at around 55 MPH for 40 miles along a motorway will get you around 40 MPG, but driving around busy roads, stopping and starting will be less than 30 MPG..

  • You need to fill it up on Monday morning on the way to work and take the mileage, on Friday fill it up with petrol on the way home and take the mileage and how much fuel you put in

    Now divide the fuel litres in to gallons by dividing the fuel litres by 4.546 to give answer now divide your mileage by the gallons this will give you MPG which is what you are after

  • 1.6 petrol should do just under 40 mpg so call it 35 miles per gallon, 1.14 gallons needed, petrol typically £6.22 a gallon so 6.22 x 1.14 = £7.09 per day.

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