Self-estemm issues :(

Well a lot of guys joke with me and insult me, a lot, and its not just the simple oh he likes you and hes trying to get your attention, its real deal bullying, hes sucha dick all he can do is throw MORE insults at me! Argh! its so annoying, but its still getting to me, my self-esteems dropping faster than the ratings for big brother 10!!!!!


oh,i dont hang out with him, he just ironcaly has all the same classes as me


Update 3:

Its not like suicidial low self-esteem!

Update 5:

uhhh, no hes not my boyfriend, but since were in a lot of the same classes, and his last name(yes we still do that) is close to mine so hes always either right next to me or a few seats away, i try to ignore him, but he always whispers it or says it anyway, like when im sewing, he just digs through my bag, looking for things, just to get me so pissed, that i yell at him and snatch my bag away, just for sick pleasure or something!

Update 7:

i agree with you all, except for hazzel, thz so much, i wish that worked, i already tried those kind of things, but i think he just loves annoying me, i've really tried everything, and im out of it...sigh, trust me, i've tried every approach(altough, i still can kick him in the nuts, with my kick-assery steel toes-boots...hmmmmm) hes like a retared dog, no matter wat you do they just keep on coming back!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!


  • Bob, Di Wizza is right, Counter insult, people do not like people who fight back and stands their own. People tell me that they don't like to throw things at me because I counters where it hurts and that is what you need to do. Let me give you some examples and don't think you will be putting yourself down, you just showing them you don't care. Shock them all!

    For example, if someone call you a ***** tell them, I'm the best ***** you have ever known and you can believe those apples. When they know it doesn't bother you they leave you alone. I went to one of my rental properties and the tenant sister was there and told me that I need to pay for the window they broke. I told her that they broke it and they have to pay for it. She kept nagging me and I told her to get out of my face you ugly *****. She then said, "you are a *****." I then told her I was the baddest and the best ***** she have ever seen. She then tried saying the same about herself and i came back and said, "and I then told her, "don't forget you are the ugliest and fattest ***** too.

    Men say such things as suck my di*k. You then say, "If your stank *** had a di*k I still wouldn't consider sucking it.

    They call you a whore...tell them. "This whore won't give you any cause I'm much to good for you.

    Honey, don't let words hurt you, fight back. People say things because they like to see others miserable just like themselves. Believe it or not, their self esteem is probably lower than yours. When people are content with themselves, they don't worry about picking on other people.

    And don't let my boyfriends say something to me that's out of the way. They say I fight back dirty and that I do. In short they avoids putting me down when they are piss. My x-husband told me. "I bet you go have another baby with someone else". Even though I don't think so, I told him, "You damn right I am and he better make me feel good when he's putting the baby in there because your little **** was drowning and you don't know how to work a drowning di*k. I'm still trying to figure out how you got a baby in there.

    Remember, don't go against what they say just agree then counter with something you know they will not like. Believe me hon, it works. I wouldn't be wasting my time telling you this if it didn't. Become that good, bad girl. I wish you all the blessings in the world with what you are trying to achieve

    Next time he snatch your bag or go through your property, tell him, "you must not have anything to wanna steal from me. Didn't your mom buy you your own stuff mine did, well they may be because she love me. Who can love a theif, If you need food just ask, there's nothing in here to eat anyway so stop trying to steal. Telling he must really be desperate to steal right in front of your face and that you will let the teacher know that he may need some materials because he's trying to steal yours. Say it whereas the whole class can hear it. You really is going to have to make people laugh at this jerk by words you say. Make him feel embarrous.

  • Yes it is a myth, there are women who are happy in their skin but psychologically no one leaves childhood or school years without some. Not even men get of scot free. Self esteem is not rooted in the sex of a person it is in life experiences, love life etc. Some times people bring alot of baggage with them which over time can cause self -esteem issues.

  • What is your point, Sweetheart? Is this "he" you mention your boyfriend, and if so, why? And if not, why are you having him talk to you at all. Maybe I'm missing something, but in a sane world any self-respecting woman will dismiss a verbally abusive idiot who obviously is clueless as to how relationships are conducted and may not even be in a serious relationship with her. Are you just going to go around letting morons take undeserved pounds of flesh off you? Time to grow up. An insult is NOT a joke!

  • Uhm well...2b real honest...I had the exact smae probs. What you gotta do is actually become one of the guys...sounds weird but if he insults you just make a counter insult...if u cant think of one on the spot...just wait for it at home or something play a roleplaying game with ur self u being the guy and urslef and keep roling punches till reality comes and u arent strcken by the insult and he;ll shut up because he doesnt get pleasure out of it...and if his friends are around..his friends will insult him and praise u TRUST ME

  • ok one thing you must realize is a opinion is like an asshole. Everyone has one. next..if someone is saying things to you that you dont like than you must get a backbone and stand up for yourself. Say something just as sharp back. People see that they can pick on someone and they do it because they take it as a sign of weakness. If you put this guy on the spot and make him feel just as embarrased than he might back off. If not than he is just an *** and he is the one with the major esteem issues because he feels the need to try to bring someone else down for his own superior feeling.

  • Well first pull him off tp the side where yall can be by yourselves, and tell him that you dont find that funny, and you want him to stop. If he persists then you need to tell him, "Oh really that's how you feel, because apparently you like something about me to keep putting my name in your mouth so do what you do best, and swallow that!" Make sure you do that in front of people so he knows you are serious, and afterward just ignore his comments because apparently he has nothing better to do, and it is no longer worth your time...

  • kay, here's my personal opinion...

    Avoid him as much as possible. tell your friends and have them support you in keeping him away from you. pretty soon, he'll leave you alone. As for the self esteem thing, you are giving him way to much power over your life. Don't listen to the jackass. You just need to let it go, know that he has some serious problems, and live your life. He only has as much power as you give him. good luck.

  • Don't let him get to you. People that insult or put down people usually have low self esteem towards them selves. So they make up for it my making fun of other people or putting them down to make them happy. I know its weird but you are just going to have to be bigger than him and realize why he's doing. But I know he's an asshole but the thing you can't let happen is to see yourself become the *** and put other people down. Remember be bigger than him. You can do it!

  • First of all, Big Brother 10 is awesome.

    Oh, I guess I don't have a second of all.

  • So why do you hang out with them? They aren't going to change..unless you say something. If you don't say something, then don't expect it to get better. Stand up for yourself hun! Or find some new guys to hang out with.

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