Boogiepop Phantom vs Fma vs Baccano vs Deathnote vs yyh?


  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Death Note


    Yu Yu Hakusho

    Boogiepop Phantom

    Fullmetal Alchemist has everything one could need in an anime. It evokes so much raw emotion and includes action and adventure for those that love fighting. Furthermore, it has comedy and romance for those that prefer a light-hearted anime. Yet although the anime is comedic, it still has that underlying feeling of drama and mystery. FMA is the epitome of perfection. The characters are so lovable, it's amazing.

    Death Note is... well... it's Death Note! New and old anime fans have seen Death Note and mostly everyone enjoys it. The psychological element to Death Note is truly wonderful and the plot connects together beautifully. However, it's second on the list because it just doesn't have as much oomph as FMA.

    Baccano! is only third on this list because FMA and Death Note are just better. If you were to eliminate FMA and Death Note - Baccano! would surely be the best of the remaining three. This anime has an interesting setting and the short stories are gripping - Baccano! simply reels you in with it's amazing art and outstanding plot.

    Yu Yu Hakusho is a classic! However in a line up against all these other anime, it just doesn't match up. Compare this anime with any other oldie and it will be the best hands down.

    Boogiepop Phantom is good, and that's it. There's nothing great about this anime.

  • Boogiepop Phantom: i really liked the mindf*ck aspect of this anime, the way it explores peoples psyches and lives.




    Deathnote: this is last because i found the Dialogue and characterisation to be awkward and corny.

  • 1. death note




    5.Boogiepop Phantom

    well thats my taste on anime but im sure many ppl will disagree :P

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