Vasa Previa or velamentous cord insertion?

My son Passed away a day after he was born from (what we didn't kow while he was pregnant) Vasa Previa, on Jan. 22st 2007, I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this, I would like to talk to you, did you take court action, If you have gone through this then you know, it was misdiagnosed and not your fault. IT only takes a moment to diagnose life…

And my midwife didn't look for it, so now a Perfect hethly baby boy lost his life.


  • no, i have not experienced this... but, thanks to you, i just looked it up. I'm 37 weeks pregnant, and I'm going in for an ultrasound Monday. I'm going to ask them to check for Velamentous Insertion of the umbilical cord while I'm there. thank you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • Velamentous insertion of umbilical twine: An ordinary situation wherein the umbilical twine does not insert into the placental mass yet, as a substitute, traverses the fetal membranes until now it inserts into the umbilical twine. the main probability is vasa previa, a situation wherein the blood vessels may be lodged between the fetus and the front to the beginning canal. The unprotected vessels could rupture at any time in the time of being pregnant, inflicting fetal hemorrhage and death.

  • I am so sorry for your loss. When I read this, I started to cry. That is so sad. I'm sorry. I know that you wanted someone else's story on this topic, but I had to send my apologies because I feel so bad. I hope that everything goes OK for you in the future.

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