Is my penis color normal?

It is pink-ish the foreskin is pink and so Is the head. But under is head (when I pull the foreskin down) it's purple... Why is it like that? (I'm a virgin, and I'm not circumsized). Is this normal?? Please help!!


  • So long as it's not yellow, you're all good my friend.

  • Sounds pretty normal to me. All parts of the penis are pretty much the same color when you're younger, but as you mature, you'll notice different parts of it turn different colors and shades. Some changes are subtle, some are drastic. If you are still concerned, then by all means go see the Doc.

  • I am watching many adult movies but i have never seen a purple penis. this color is right from ur birth than its normal. that color occurred now than u r doing miss use of your penis. i think ur blood cells are damaged. Take a advice from doctor.

    don't wary it will be fine......

  • yeah, ur okay, penis comes in many shades of red or pink

  • Dude if you have it then it is normal... Aren't you normal.... come on

  • it is normal colour.. relax

  • depends what nationality you are

  • wtf my penis is brown u need 2 see a doctor like purple srsly was is that ****

  • normal i think....

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