Can I trade my Florida license for a Quebec license?

I m a Canadian citizen and a permanent resident of the US. I m moving back to Quebec city. If I already have a Florida driver s license will I still need to test for my license in Quebec?


  • A VALID license can be exchanged for one of a similar class.

    You will need to bring in Identification with your Quebec Address.

    Your car registration also changes and your insurance.

    You may have to take a test.

    As you are an experienced driver that should not be a problem.

    There are many different driving licences in Quebec and Florida.

    Some also require you to get a medical exam.

  • If you previously had a Quebec license they may be able to just reactivate that one. This is what happened when I returned to BC from 10 years in California. But if you never had a Quebec license you may very well have to retest. You need to ask at a Quebec licensing office.

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