solve, express 1/8 as a percentage.?

I know how to solve the problem, it's just that I dont understand how you know where to put the decimal. the answer to choose from are .125%, 1.25%, 12.5%, .0125% the right answer is 12.5% how do you know?


  • For percentages, put what you want to find out in words.

    "What percent of 8 is 1"

    Now write it mathematically:

    what = x

    per = /

    cent = 100

    of = *

    8 = 8

    is = '='

    1 = 1

    Putting it all together:

    x/100 * 8 = 1

    If you re-arrange it for x, you find:

    x = 1/8 * 100

    x = 12.5%

    The words-to-numbers tricks work with EVERY single percentage question.

  • 1/8 x 100%

    = 100/8 %

    = 12 1/2 % (12.5%)

  • easy mate the right one is 12.5% i know because if 8 represents 100% then 4 would represent 50% and 2 would represent 25% and 1 would represent 12.5% its just basic division hope this helps you out

  • 1/8 x 100 =12.5.. u can do it on calculator

  • 1/8 x 100% =12.5%

  • Depending upon your skills, here is another way to do it...

    If you already know that 1/4th is 25% than 1/8 is half of 25% or 12.5%.

  • this is very simple dont get confused. 1/8 = 12.5 %


    1/8 as a percentage = (1/8 ) * 100

  • Always remember when you convert from fraction to percentage, just times 100% to your fraction

    1/8 or 0.125

    when you convert to percentage

    0.125 * 100% = 12.5%

    when you want to convert percentage to fraction (divide by 100%)

    12.5% / 100% = 0.125

  • 1/8 = 0.125. That's 125-thousandths. To make it hundredths (%), just move the decimal so you have hundredths...12.5 hundredths, so 12.5%

  • 1/8 = 0.125 = 12.5 %

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