How to dress up as a Greaser?

My grade is having a movie day in school, and we're allowed to dress up as our favorite characters from The Outsiders (because that's the movie we're watching)

I'm Dressing up as Dally, because my personality and size fits him (I'm a big guy :D)

This is what I have so far...

-Brown Harley Davidson Leather Jacket (A little worn)

-Blueish Grey wrangler jeans

-Silver Chain necklace

-Hair Gel for a faux hawk, just to look tougher

-Black t-shirt

I'm Getting...

-Leather Gloves

-Cheap Sunglasses (Folded and hanging on the collar of my shirt)

-Black Steel-Toed Boots

Will this be good? Or am I overdoing it?


Oh and btw

1. We get extra credit for dressing up, which I don't really need, but I'll be the sport and dress up

2. I'm the asian version of Dally


  • It's definitely not overdoing it, and that sound AMAZING, lol.

    You should do that!! :)

  • Everything is fine after reading the book and watching the movie I noticed they wore white shorts instead of black and also you don't need the Leather gloves :)

  • Yeah If you have like a white t shirt, leather (or fake leather) jacket, boots, jeans, and yes grease your hair... A LOT. and sunglasses!

  • It sounds perfect! Dally is my favorite! I started cracking up when you said btw, im and asian version of dally, haha

  • I think a white shirt would fit the character more, but I think you've got it figured out, you're good to go! Have fun!

  • Yeah it will be fine because at my school we had a Outsider's day and tons of people were dressed similar to that! Have fun :D

  • Don't need the leather gloves but that just seems good other than that.

  • i think the name is self explanatory... if not i'll give you a hint: grease.

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