Egypt: Translate contacts to Arabic?

Check through the list of your contacts on your mobile? And see who is the weirdest name, or are their any contacts you have no idea who they are?

I have a contact called "A C" - Who is this? No idea

I have another contact called "Egyptian" - ya3ni eih el 3'aba2 da? 90% of my contacts are Egyptian,..

Plz translate


@ Shahira: El managed howwa elli geih ysalla7 el kanaba..

Update 3:

@ ry: La2, A C da maloosh da3wa bil takeef, his number starts with 180, no idea in which country is this number aslan?


  • haha yeahh keter :D

    3andi " sports guy " .. and i have no idea who is he

    and i have 7 " yomna " ...

    and i have 3 numbers saved " unknown " .. -_-

    i have the name " sha3 " .. and i have no idea who is he/she .. and i have no idea why do i keep it =/

    w ektashft right now mowdo3 .. i saved a number with the name of another number ...


    name : 012xxxxxxxx

    number: 011xxxxxx

    how retard is that .. o.o

  • wa7ed esmo SN. M3rafsh men howa bas kan sadi2 le akhyuya w shoft rakamo 3a telefon akhoya fa sara2to. LOL :D

  • lol well I just got a new phone and re-added my contacts without anything weird yet..

    but for "home" it's currently "hoe" cause I somehow didn't add the 'm' :s

    maybe "A C" stands for beta3 el beysala7 takheeffat fe masr? lol just a thought

  • I named a guy Colonia cause he looks pretty much like that actor ( don't remember ez name ) who acted in some comedy movie with Heneidy.

  • well for those who get new no. i just write their name and new next to it and a few have had their no. changed a coupla times so its like *name* new a billion times and i dont know which is the new one

    and half their names are written like ha123 or somefin like that and i have no idea who they are

  • Mr. Patates

    7amdy ma7shy - loooooooool men dah?!!!!

    ayah mashra7a

    new life !!

    sale sucre

  • la2 ana kan feeh wad mestelef menny ktab el German makontesh batee2o keda lellah f lellah fa kont msayevo 3ando b shteema!! =O

  • 3andy wa7ed esmo "deutsch" 5ad m3aya course 2almany lol

    @tariq his name is salah 3abdallah in the movie "3askar fel mo3askar"

  • i have a guy who i named " uranium " he was taking nuclear classes with me ..

    and i have like ....miroo ( double o)





    miro4 .....wekol mara batesel behom kolohm 3ashan a3raf anhy ely sha3'ala

    we fe A#7 nefsy a3raf dah meen bardo

  • ''E menaged'' mesh fahma leih w meen dah aslan so I deleted the number :D

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