Does newborn reflexes proof God !?

newborn reflexes, like walking reflex ( less that 2 mouth infant knows the basics of walking ) ,positive support reflex ( infant can support his body for 30 seconds if u hold him close to a surface) , sucking reflex , swimming reflex , and parachute response ( protect infant if he fall by extending his arms and legs )

your thoughts !


Anonnie Mouse ,thx :P


  • No, it proves that we share common ancestry with animals who have similar reflexes.

  • Do newborn reflexes prove god?

    There, I fixed it.

    And, no. If anything innate behavior is evidence of common biological processes, ie genetics.

  • They also have an incredible grip reflex as if they were small monkeys clinging on to their furry mummy monkey. Evolution is awesome.

  • I think stillborns disprove the existence of an intervening god.

  • No it proves that evolution works.

  • Doubt it. Animal babies grow up much faster than human babies.

  • No, It is evidence of evolution.

  • OMG!!!

    Time to go back to high school biology class!

  • OH MY GOD!

    No!!!! Have you ever been in a biology lesson???

  • And this proves god.... how?

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