What's J. P. Montoya's problem?

What's the deal with this guy? He wrecks himself only when he isn't wrecking someone else. Ok...little bit of an exaggeration but sometimes it seems that way. Take the move in FIRST LAP of the Nextel Open for example...what the heck was he trying to do? I know he's new and new guys do stupid things, but at least most of them try to learn from their stupid moves...but not Juan. I've seen drivers grow from wreckless morons to clean competetors, but Juan doesn't seem to want to do that. When asked about his driving style he said basically, "That's just the way it's going to be. Everyone else is just going to have to get over it." (saw it on ESPN). I know I'm not the only one fed up with this guy and this is just your chance to rant on him a little if you want.


  • His problem is that he thinks he's way better than he really is. He's nothing more than a hazard... and if he keeps it up, he won't be around much longer. He's doing nothing more than causing wrecks and making enemies, and the enemies he's making have LONG memories. With an attitude like his, with no regard for anyone else on the track, they'll be taking him out just to get him off the track.

    I'm gonna LOVE watching the paybacks. He needs to go back to South America and get back in Formula cars... if anyone will give him a ride.

  • Juan had better realize soon that he is a small fish in a big pond and guys that have been the reason for NASCAR's growth are the names to watch. Earnhardt, Gordon, Stewart and almost all the NASCAR fans are not impressed with what he did on the other race circuits. He is about one wreck from Tony Stewart showing him why the call him smoke, because when he kicks his A** , he will be lucky to be able to speak one language with all the missing chicklets. So Juan, take a back seat and try to finish a few race with only a scuff on the car instead of missing body pieces and cars the say DNF on the results page before you think you can win as a "rookie" , that is what you are mi amigo!!!!

  • Juanpablomontoya is getting a good taste of NASCAR fender - rubbin' racing, which ain't as easy as driving the high-downforce uber-manueverable Formula One/Indy/CART racers where there is no parity (or bump-drafting).

    I'm sure that he'll have some success, but he's on an underdog team that isn't too consistent. He's an aggressive driver that isn't used to losing.

    That and his frustration at not getting good finishes and wins and lack of patience, he'll continue driving into walls and other cars (and probably the pace car and the hot dog stand before it's over with).

    The team owner needs to get a grip on that ego before it gets completely out of control and hurts someone.

    I give him 2 years, tops before Juanpablomontoya moves on to Indy, CART or back to F1, because if he keeps driving the way that he's driving, he'll be lucky to make the "last chance race" for the Bomber Division at the local bull ring on Saturday night.

  • Juans problem is, he's making the same mistakes almost every driver new to Nascar makes.(Gordon,Kahne,Busch,et all)So hows that a problem ?Well when JPM pulls a stunt like the first lap of the all-star race and takes out 5 cars,instead of owning up to making a bad move.He tells everyone to "Get over it".His problem is he doesnt understand as fans we expect drivers to mess up now and then.But we also expect a driver to admit they messed up.Juans problem is he thinks we care about any success he may have had in F1 ,we don't.Ive heard almost every driver say a crash was their fault,Ive never before Juan heard one say "I only took out one car the others caught up in the crash were on thier own".

  • C'mon. Juan Pablo is a rookie in NASCAR. What he did in CART was unbelievable and in F1 he was respectable when no one could touch Ferrari. I think he just goes out there and tries to get it done, who cares if someone gets upset?? Was Kurt Busch mad at Kyle when he did the same thing?? Obviously several drivers had problems on cold tires Saturday, and when you wave 1 million bucks at someone, it makes people get excited. I guess you haters want him to ride around in the back with Kyle Petty & Ken Schrader!!!

  • His biggest problem is he's a rookie.He definately has the talent to be a good driver he just needs time to adapt to a whole new world.Right now he's driving the way he always did the cars are just so different than what he's used to that it doesn't work.I suspect that once they start making visits to tracks he's been on once already his performance will improve.

  • he's a spoiled brat.

    he is one of the best racers there is but he wants to be the best so he makes stupid decisions.

    what an idiot. he was mad because he kept getting 2nd and 3rd in F1 and CART series (sp?) so he gave up and jumped over here thinking he would just take the road over. also hurting him is the fact that passes are really challenging in nascar so he tries to pass when he obviously can't..

    he's a diamond in the rough and still a great driver, but he's a moron and needs to grow up or he'll just be an also-ran that no one likes.

    rant aside, i'd pull for him if he ever gets his head together..

  • Juan Pablo is racing way harder than he is thinking. He needs to slow down a little. You'd be surprised how much faster you can go when you just slow down a little.

  • his ego has overextended itself...cant stand the guy, not only does he need to learn manners, and respect...he needs to learn how to drive and learn that just because he is foreign and an openwheeler does not make him special...everyone works their way up not crash their way through...thanks for allowing the rant...

  • Yea he needs to chill out and learn to get along with others or he won't get anywhere soon.

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