"Lakewood Bradenton" in Florida?
Was there a University or Community College called "Lakewood Bradenton" in Florida? I am checking if there was a University with that name, specifically an International one in Florida, but changed later.
Was there a University or Community College called "Lakewood Bradenton" in Florida? I am checking if there was a University with that name, specifically an International one in Florida, but changed later.
It might be a fraud. He had his PHD online and someone told him "we are in Florida". If we assumed that this college exists but for a reason they don't have a web site or even a site. 3kasha 3mro ma 2al ay kelma english by mistake as all of us who used to live in US always do.
7aram nezlem el ragel ya ged3an mafesh ay daleel dedo khales.
Florida International University Wiki
Yes , Duck university was formerly called Lakewood Bradenton International .
There is only one college with the name Bradenton. It's Florida College of Natural Health: Bradenton
Bradenton, Florida
College Board code: 5024
It only gives massage therapy and doesn't offer anything in business. (see the link)
He said the university is called: Lakewood Bradenton university. which only exist in his wide imagination
Hehehe Allah ye7'reb betak ya 3okasha
Anyway guys I went through bradenton fl page on Wikipedia, go to education section u'll find a list of all the educational institutions there.... Okasha's university is not one of them
Here is the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradenton,_Florida
Enjoy ur day we dayman metgama3een fel 7'eer
Yes there is....It's in a city called Florida El Ezba....Next exit after Kafr El Dawwar.
You say: "shwayt gahala?????"!!!!!!!!!!
The link u wrote is about a University called "Georgian Court University" in New Jersey.
The Question is about "Lakewood Bradenton" in Florida!!
US Department of Education Confirmed that Okasha's PhD University is Not listed
إتصال مع وزارة التعليم في الولايات المتحدة ينفون فيه وجود الجامعة التي يدعي توفيق عكاشة الحصول على الدكتوراة منها
People, it's an English question and we are waiting for an authorized answer, please stop replying in Arabic or franko-arabic. You can check a formal universities list or something it may help.