100% Carnivorous pet (NO SNAKES)?


I am looking for a pet that is 100% carnivorous. Prefferably eating only mice.

The reason I cant have snakes is because my apartment has a policy against snakes because somebody who had a 20 foot burmese (illegally) and it got out.

So, no snakes.

Also no fish. cant aford 3 filters and 100 gallon tank ect

Invertabrets, Lizards, pretty much anything that isnt a fish or a snake

HAS TO BE 100000000000% Carnivorous



  • i suggest a pacman frog, or ornate frog. they are big fat frogs that only require a 10g tank and can live in it for its whole life. they get huge! but not too big, it is just a frog. i feed mine hopper mice, but it started out eating pinkies which are couple days old mice. just get a heating pad for it and a water bowl, get good substrate which can hold humidity. mist daily. other than that its super easy top take care of. just keep him moist and the cage moist. u can hold them, but they might bite you. it only hurts when they get full grown, then they can draw blood if they bite you. other than that they are extremely beautiful creatures and dont require a lot.use this website for care


  • frogs they eat insects and they are cool

    also this is a fish but you dont need a filter or a 100 gallon its a beta you able to feed them live shrimp

  • Dogs are not omnivores, not by dentition, not by digestion. They do not *need* fruits, vegetables, or grains. Can they eat them? Yes. Could dogs live on a meat-less diet? Yes - unlike cats, they are not obligate carnivores. But not being an obligate carnivore doesn't make them omnivores.

    a cat or a dog.

  • Monitor lizard

  • tarantula....or you can try a pacman frog... both start off on bugs, but will eat pinkies once big enough.

  • Why? A dog is not good enough?

  • bearded dragon

  • how about a bunny from hell

  • la chupacabra!!!

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