Do Colleges Care if you Publish A book?

Would this give me an edge over the other candidates? Do the administrators even care?


  • Well here in my country books published by a well-versed person for example a tour guide is offered to colleges. They will then pass that to teachers and the teachers will sell the book to their students. It will be required as their reference book so there is no reason not to buy.

  • Yes, that would help quite a bit, as long as you were going into a field where that would matter (literature, English, composition, or the field in which you published a book). However, this will only help you if the book was published by a major publishing house, and did pretty well. If you self-published it (if you had to pay any money to get it published) then it doesn't count (since anyone can pay to get published, it says nothing about the quality of your work) and looks bad actually (makes you look untalented, or gullible for falling for these publishing schemes).

  • If you are talking about getting into college, having published a book should be impressive to admissions people-- as long as it's not self-published.

  • If you had it published and made a decent amount of money off of it, and then tried to get a literature/English degree then they would take it into consideration in the broader scope of things.

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