Am i not a normal teenager?

I just don't think I act like most teenagers. A lot of the teenagers at my school are immature and disrespect the teachers. I don't really do that though. I respect my teachers and I don't make fun of people or mock them like half my class does. And I just feel like I should be older than I am. Like I should already be an adult. Is this weird or does everyone feel like this? I'm confused about this.


  • To me, there's no such thing as normal.

    You're not weird. I don't think it's fun to mock or make fun of teachers.

  • Well, it doesn't mean you should already be an adult. No teenager is prepared for that. It just means your parents taught you respect and good morals. My dad was in the military. I went through ettiquite and manners boot camp as a kid. You think students get uncomfortable when the teacher looks at them during class? Hah. My teachers get uncomfortable with me. Because I will lock eyes and not blink until they look away. 45% respect, 55% fun game for me... If my parents found out I made fun of someone, I'd be dead right now. I'm not saying I don't playfully tease my friends, but I know what goes overboard, and I don't do that.

    You're a respectful teen. That's all. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud, and keep doing what you're doing.

  • I can relate, I'm the same way. The worst part is that idea that you probably won't be treated as an adult until your mid-twenties if you're lucky.

    Obviously, what you're feeling isn't abnormal. There are probably many kids like that and believe the same thing.

  • What is "normal"? "Normal" does not, and will not ever exist. What is considered socially acceptable is what others think of as "normal". "Normal clothes" are clothes which fit in with the trends of the time. "Normal music" of this time would be all the chart/dance music, that does not make it "normal", it makes it more accepted and understood.

    No one is "normal". For "normal" does not exist

  • I feel the same way. the other guy was right, you were raised right, like me:)

  • You're fine.

  • It means you were raised well as a kid

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