Do you have a separate "spiritual family" ?

My best friend is more like a sister to me. We have many experiences in common and have so much in common together spiritually too. We only met about 4 years ago and I have never been closer to a friend in my life, there is absolutely NO judgment, just unconditional friendship and support when needed. I am godmother to her youngest child and her Daughter is my named next of kin. I have met some wonderful people who resonate on the same frequency as me and the more I get to know them, the more I feel like we were all pre-destined to hook up with each other when we were ready They are a family that I have chosen in the absence of my own blood family. Do you have a separate spiritual family too ? Have you met anyone through YA R&S that you think of as family ?


  • Hi Deb! =0)

    Truly, my husband is my spiritual family. He gets me, and I know he's always there. So, it's us, and our kids.

    I see the friends I've met on YA as a little community, and it seems to get more important to me all the time.

  • Yeah, I have a "spiritual family". I'm not sure they know they're part of my family, but they are none the less. In my faith, we have members that come by to see how things are going and deliver a spiritual message once per month. They visit each family's home. There are two men, and two women that come by. They are there to visit and do stuff if you can't do it. It's especially nice for singles to know that your home teachers will come by once a month to help with whatever needs doing around the house, like lifting heavy stuff, or fixing something. It's also nice to have visiting teachers come by just to talk and have a connection with other women. Anyway, one of my home teachers is like a spiritual dad to me. He always gives me something to think about, a different perspective.

    Other "spiritual family" members include the person I am visiting teaching partners with. We can talk for hours and have a lot in common. She's such a great friend, and like a favorite aunt.

    Of course there are other friends that are the closest thing to sisters this only child will ever have. They're great. Sometimes we don't get along, but that's the way it is with sisters (so I'm told).

    Out of my real family, I think I'm only this close with an aunt, and a Grandma.

  • Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. My friends are closer to me than any living blood kin; we care about one another and look out for one another. What more do you want?

  • I have a sister thts did not come from my mom's tummy too :p We met on chat n we became great2 frens n eventually we became sisters :) She cares for me so much n its E same for me....We feel for each other whenever we faced probs....Whenever im sad, she feels E same too...I dont ve a "real" sister...I guess God is making it up to me....She is deff a gift from God.........:)

  • ALL have Spirits All around them 24/7!


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