how do i reboot my computer?

i have windows XP and this window popped up saying that i need to reboot it so the system can refresh (along those lines).

so how exactly do i reboot it?


the window that pops up says "The ialmrnt5 display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to Microsoft."



  • It does sound like this pop up box is a load of crap. XP doesn't need to "refresh".

    Run your virus software, adaware, etc, etc.

    For future reference, to reboot your computer- click Start- Shut Down...... Or hold down the power button until it shuts off and then push it again to turn it on.

    I am sorry, but if you don't know how to reboot your computer- you really should have someone teach you to use computers. Judging from your lack of this skill, your pop up box is probably a virus.

  • Take it off the wall outlet and continue to move PC through window.

  • 1. Turn it off completely or;

    2. Press ctrl, alt, delete and select either restart or shutdown.

  • Well you don a pair of size 7 boots, preferably with studs and then you 'boot' your computer over the wall..................................No only kidding, rebooting simply means switching off and then switching back on.

    If you change any parameters on your computer they dont usually take place UNTIL you have done this, ok..................remember now I was only joking re the boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • turn it off and then back on again,

    if its not possible to turn it off through the start menu,

    press the reset button on your computer or hold down the off button for a few seconds and then turn it back on again

  • Switch it off.

    Switch it on again.

    That is rebooting.

  • Shut it off. Then restart it.

  • sounds like a popup message its bs close it and ignore it

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