1984 dodge rampage no spark at coil?
I have a 1984 dodge rampage 2.2 manual. For a while it would not start when humid or wet. I did what anyone else would do- replaced the distributor cap and rotor. It started fine and ran well for about a mile- the died. It will now never start, at all. So, I replaced-
ignition coil
plug wires
voltage regulator
ignition pickup (hall effect sensor under the rotor)
and I still don't get any spark from the coil. What's next? How do I test the components of the ignition system? I'm stumped and very, very frustrated.
One little tip. try starting the car with the distributor completely rotated towards the passenger side. Try rotating it to several spots and try starting the car.
When you changed the hall effect sensor, you did use the correct non turbo one?
Have you checked your timing? I wonder if your timing belt jumped timing. If the car is seeing the timing off or wrong sensor it won't start. Nor will it give spark.
The the other I hate on these cars? The fusible links. Perhaps you blew one.
1984 Dodge Rampage
check the out put voltage on the ignition switch on it,they was bad to go out after those vehicles had been setting for a while,having a bad ignition switch will make you replace a lot of unneeded parts on it,i learned that the hard way on those cars,good luck with it.
1984 ! does it have a ballast resister? if it does then it could be bad. you could try this. on the + side on the coil run another wire from a good source to it and see if you got juice coming out of the coil. the + wire might have a break in it.
Could be the ignition relay or ignition module if its equipped with one. Have you tried bum starting it? (Roll it down a gentle hill in 1st gear with the key ON and dump the clutch).
Try the pickup plate in the distributor and remember that it has to be adjusted to the magnetic tone wheel in the distributor also. Close but not touching is fine. These things were bad about going out. And was the first thing I always checked.
when you find or get an answer to this question from somebody that has a brain here.. let me know, cause my 89 dodge ramcharger is doing the same thing.... chrisncami@ymail.com