How do you get into Phd programs?

I have an undergrad degree in business at the moment, but was thinking of going for my Masters in business. Since the employment market has been so bad, I was thinking of potentially keeping myself the option of going for a Phd later on in order to become a professor. But what requirements do you generally have to fulfill for that? As I am planning to do my Masters overseas, and lower grades are generally given there than in the USA, I would be kind of scared of having a GPA that might be too low in order to get into a good Phd program in the United States.


  • Well you need a bachelors. It helps if it's in the subject you're getting your PhD in but that's not always entirely necessary. I don't think things like extracurriculars or volunteer work matter much. They're more interested in whether you can do the work. So they're interested in your school records, the assessment of professors who have taught you, your previous work academically (humanities PhDs will usually require a long writing sample, I'm not sure if an IT one will, but presumably it does since you'll have to write a thesis). Work experience could matter if it's in the appropriate subject or a related field.

  • there are Phd programs that combine Phd and masters degrees. you should talk to an adviser from your university to give you more info about phd programs in business

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