how can i do community service ?

okay so im 13 and next year i am going to high school i need community service points so any i deas


  • Start by figuring what you are interested in. Animals babies helping others?

    Any animals shelters, maybe daycares, rest homes, hospitals, offices, all take vollenteers. (the daycares are the only one I'm not sure of)

    A lot of people start with their parents job.

    Just remember it won't be all fun and games. Most of the work will be boring or gross (depending on where you are) But it feels great and your right schools love it.

    Good luck

  • What are your interests? You can start from there. Check your local newspaper. In the "Local Section" usually on Sundays, there are lists of agencies in need of volunteer help.

    You can also check your local United Way. There are many agencies within the United Way that need volunteers- some just for special events. That may help you with your service points.

    Another idea- check to see if there is a Relay for Life in your area. This is a 2 day walk for cancer research funds. You don't have to walk - but you can if you want to.... You can help with sending out letters, getting the area ready for the walkers, etc.

    Check you local public library. Libraries have special events, too and may need volunteers for a short time.

    Hospitals are always in need of volunteers. Nursing homes as well! You can visit and get some ideas about what you want to do.

    How many hours are required?

    Another idea- volunteer in an area where you think you may want to work someday. I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, so I volunteered with my local parks and recreation summer program. I had a blast!

  • Community service can be done in many ways. From picking up papers and trash along or around public areas, working to assist librarians,weeding public flower beds,planting flowers, helping with extra things at your school may count, even possibly helping a few hours at your local old folks home where you might brighten someones day. The possibilities are endless but always be sure to get permission to see if the service you pick will count for the time you have been ordered to serve. Oh yeah, one more thing, it's always better not to do things that get you in trouble in the first place. I guess being a gran pa I had to throw that in,sorry. gl.


  • There's lots of things you can do.

    First, decide what you are most interested in, what issues you are passionate about. Do you want to help animals at a local shelter? Feed the homeless? Make sure poor families get Christmas presents or a Thanksgiving meal? Bring comfort to the sick at a hospital? Raise money for awareness of Darfur, AIDS, breast cancer, or domestic violence?

    Next, once you know which area(s) interest you the most, check the phone book and for charities and non-profit organizations in your area that focus on those areas. Or start your own organization/club. Your parents or school counselors can advise you on this, so don't be shy about asking for help or information.

    It's pretty easy to accumulate the points/hours you need for this requirement, and you can have a surprising amount of fun doing it.

  • Local girl scouts made and donated cool ties to a Blue Stars Mothers group. They will send them to our soldiers in the wars. (gel filled scarfs that help keep their necks cooler)

    Regardless of how we feel about the wars and politicians, we need to support our soldiers. Many will wind up in prison due to illegal acts committed because of PTSD. They cannot adjust to civilian life, hold jobs, or keep families without help. Perhaps your support would make a world of difference to some soldier or veteran.

    You could contact your local Blue Stars Mothers of Active Service Men and Women group or VFW (veterans of foreign wars) for ideas.

    There is a always need in the world. Good for you for searching for a meaningful project that will make the world better.

  • volunteer at an elementary school helping teachers. Also try police and fire departments. I did some volunteer work at a homeless shelter once.

    Good luck in your quest.

  • contact any of these in your area: Salvation Army, United Way, homeless shelters, animal shelters, your city's park & recreation department. Good luck!

  • I recently had three of my former students do various classroom activities for their community service project. I had them staple documents, clean my classroom. It was much appreciated by busy teachers like myself. Maybe ask one of your middle school teachers if they need any help, at no charge?

  • You can do it at churches, ymca's, or somewhere similar... they make you do petty work they don't want to do because they get payed and you don't.

  • try moving you family elsewhere.

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