Too paranoid to sleep ( i ~ i )?

It's been weeks and I've felt so scared when the house gets silent and everyone's sleeping peacefully. I'll try to distract myself from my wild imagination but it doesn't work. And even when I fianlly find myself not thinking of scary things anymore my thoughts will dart right back when I lay my head down. I've tried everything, music, tv, YouTube, reading, etc but at the end of the night I haven't gotten a wink of sleep. I always have my mind stuck on things that might harm me or crazy thoughts that I know won't happen but I can't put them away anyhow. I really don't know what to turn to anymore and school is getting really difficult without sleep. The weird thing is, when I come home at 3:30pm I have no problem sleeping until 7:00pm while the light's still up and I can hear my brothers from the other room. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you ( ' w ' )


  • I feel this way practically every night. I cannot sleep until everybody else is asleep, but then I get scary thoughts. I understand how you feel and if it is because of the dark, leave on a light, if the silence is an issue for you like it is for me, just play some music on a phone or iPod or whatever you have and slide it under the pillow. The noise will rid of the silence and might help you sleep. If you do try YouTube, be careful to stay away from anything that may creep you out or frighten you. If you fear nightmares, think of something (or somebody) you love or think of the most comfortable place you can think of.

  • Honestly what I do when I can't sleep for my crazy reasons, I start counting down from 100 (99, 98, 97) all the way to 0, and I keep repeating. If you get distracted at any point, you start over at 100, if you get to 0, you go back to 100, and honestly it sounds stupid, but it really works!

  • Maybe you should use that sleep diary I got you for chirstmas.

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