''Taken together, our results suggest that cigarette smoking causes an increase in vascular superoxide production which results in decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity and concomitantly increases production of cyclooxygenase dependent and independent vasoconstricting eicosanoids.''

PLEASE help put this into english lol!! like breifly what the conclusion is in simple terms



  • All the results support the idea that smoking causes there to be more superoxide in the blood which causes less nitric oxide to be active and also causes the production of eicosanoids (some of them depend on cyclooxygenase to cause vacoconstriction and some don't).

  • cigarette smoking will increase vascular superoxide = "smoking increases levels of superoxide in the blood" (Im assuming this is superoxide dismutase an enzyme used when dealing with reactive oxygen species used to fight oxidative damage to cells)

    Nitric oxide is also a component which can be used up in this process which can also dilate blood vessels (good for circulation)

    If i remember my pathway correctly, increase in cyclooxygenase dependent and independent eicosanoids = cyclooxygenase can form either thromboxanes, prostaglandins and prostacyclins. In this case, since cigarette smoking is the topic, thromboxanes (dependent and independent) from cyclooxygenase is a vasoconstrictor which will decrease blood flow in the vessels.

    Cyclooxygenase is a type of enzyme that catalyzes the conversions into eicosanoids which are signaling molecules.

    Hope this is accurate and helps!

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