Which Girls names do you prefer?

please give your opinions on these baby girl names as me and hubby just cant deside!!.

best and worst aswell


Ruby May

Ivory Rose


Alicia Rose


Theia Rose



P.S just noticed my spelling error on decide* no idea how that happened


  • Athena is nice

    Ruby May is lovely but quite a common combination

    Ivory Rose is beautiful - best on this list

    Blossom wouldn't age well

    Alicia Rose is nice

    Tanzin isn't too good

    Theia Rose is alright

  • From favorite to least-

    Alicia rose- classy, cute, ages well, beautiful name, perfect!

    Ruby may

    Ivory rose


    Theia rose



  • Athena- dislike

    Ruby May- cute and classy

    Ivory Rose- don't like either name

    Blossom- too out there

    Alicia Rose- plain

    Tanzin- sounds a little too made up

    Theia Rose- love the first name, and although I dislike Rose (too plain), it does sound good with Theia.

  • Best = Alicia Rose

    Worst = Tanzin

  • Alicia Rose

  • Rated from maximum to least widespread, for each: Boys: a million. Brian Davis 2. Jacob Davis 3. Oscar Davis 4. Blake Davis 5. Kaleb Davis (i'd fee this more beneficial if it replaced into spelled Caleb!) ladies: a million. Julia Davis 2. Chloe Davis 3. Emily Davis 4. Naomi Davis 5. Sofia Davis

  • Alicia Rose

    Ivory Rose

    Ellie Marie Jones( i know its not on your list)

  • Tanzin

  • My fav names are Ruby May, Theia Rose and I think you ment Tamzin?

    Other names I think are ugly and outdated.

  • Ruby May

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