English, and what German I can recall after taking it throughout High School and in College, also, but then not getting much practice for the last 30 years!
I also have a 'peculiar' habit of sometimes singing and reading aloud in REVERSE! I don't know HOW or WHEN I developed this habit, but believe me, it's enough to drive me NUTS!!!
1 3/4 + 1/2 ?!?? So, 2 1/4...
English, and what German I can recall after taking it throughout High School and in College, also, but then not getting much practice for the last 30 years!
I also have a 'peculiar' habit of sometimes singing and reading aloud in REVERSE! I don't know HOW or WHEN I developed this habit, but believe me, it's enough to drive me NUTS!!!
English, Irish, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Cantonese.
My first language is English.
Pig Latin
power of Tongues
some Spanish
1 1/2
I took 5 semesters of German in college and work with Mexicans.
I feel that gives me about 1/2 of a language when you combine those two.
ok, I'm serious:
1. German (first language)
2. French (not very good at it)
3. English (decide yourself)
4. Spanish (not too good either)
5. Latin (hahaaa...)
6. Russian (beginner)
I speak English Laos&&Thai
So thats 3
2 - English & Italian
English, some Irish, some French and a little bit of German =]
English, Spanish, French and German...that makes 4!
Plus when I was little I spoke Hungarian, but it's all gone now, so it doesn't count lol.